Warren Sapp on Calling NFL “Slave Masters” after $50K Fine for Almost Bumping Referee (Part 6)

  • 2022.06.20
  • NFL


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Part 5: https://youtu.be/eXrMj27QmAQ
Part 1: https://youtu.be/8yrfIuCBnIk
In this clip, former All-Pro defensive tackle, Warren Sapp revisits a $50K fine that he received for allegedly bumping into an NFL referee on the field of play. From there, he addresses the controversial statements that he made after receiving the fine, comparing the intricacies of the NFL as a business, to slavery in America and calling the NFL owners “Slave Masters.” He then refers DJ Vlad back to a time when NFL players were given practice T-shirts that said “Property of_______,” before doubling down on his stance and reiterating the fact that there was a time when NFL players didn’t even have to right to determine where they would play for the majority of their careers. Lastly, the Hall of Famer talks about the amount of money that average players are making today along with the challenges that retired athletes face.
