The 2022 NFL season is just one month away and it appears that Mac Jones has some extra work to do. A report out of the New England Patriots’ camp says that the second-year QB is making headlines for his apparent struggles. Patriots beat writer Mike Giraldi tweeted quote: ‘Mac Jones had some moments of uncertainty a year ago in training camp but not nearly as much as you would expect for a rook. This summer? Far more. Yes, it is August. There’s time. However, the install started back in the spring and you’d like to see more comfort and success.’ Nick Wright, Eric Mangini and Kevin Wildes discuss how concerned Patriots fans should be for New England.
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Nick Wright, Chris Broussard, Kevin Wildes, and Jenna Wolfe team up on First Things First, a discussion and opinion-based studio program that covers all the headlines weekdays on FS1.
Mac Jones reportedly having ‘far more’ moments of uncertainty this summer | NFL | FIRST THINGS FIRST
First Things First